Pride 2021
By Jim Crisp
Every year people ask me why?
Why do we celebrate Pride?
Why do we have to so publicly proclaim something about ourselves
that is so intrinsically private –
something that makes some people uncomfortable?
Here is what I say:
Not so long ago – right here – in this country,
They told us we were sinful, evil, dirty.
They beat us up.
They called us terrible names.
They slammed the church doors in our faces.
And we are still here!
They hunted us down.
They took our jobs.
They shamed us.
They raided our safe places.
They hauled us away in police vans
They photographed us, posted our pictures in the newspapers.
And we are still here!
They continued to attack us.
They threatened our lives.
They threatened those we love.
They took our lives.
And we are still here!
And still the assaults came, the arrests continued, the intimidation
the beatings, the bullying
that one night came
we said in a loud voice “no more!!!”
A few angry drag queens,
some courageous young men and women
said no and hell no!
And. We. Are. Still. Here!
The plague came and we began to die in the thousands, and no one cared
They said it was God’s judgement.
They said we deserved it.
and we fought back, we organized, we united
And we shouted back into the void,
you will remember us,
you will care and you will honor our lives
and We will survive
We are still here!
And as we survived and thrived, their collective rage left one of
Our most fragile and vulnerable beaten, bloodied, tied to a fence
Dying with only the stars and a lone deer to shepherd him home
We will not forget
We survived and
We are still here!
They tried to divide us by race, and gender, and class.
Instead of being divided we embraced one another –
all of our brothers and sisters, all of our unicorns and magic children
who refused to fit into the prisons of gender and sexuality they created
for themselves and for us.
We proclaimed the beauty, the fabulousness of all of our colors, all of our differences,
All of our joyful, creative, light filled, courageous lives
And we are still here!
They said we could not serve in the military
We said, “hell yes we can”
They said we could not teach the children
We said “just watch us”
They said we could not join in marriage the loves of our lives
We said “oh yes we can”
They said we could not serve in our government
We said “oh yes we will”
They said we could not run for president
and we said, “just watch us!”
And we are still here!
We stand on the shoulders of
Human beings who have allowed us the lives we have,
who have given us great freedoms and responsibilities
by paying the price with their lives.
If this is not something to celebrate with
Great joy
great love
and great pride
I don’t know what is, but surely this is it
We are still here
And we have great pride in how far we have come
We have earned it.
Our pride
we have paid for it.
Our pride
we step into the light and
we celebrate it together
under our many colored
rainbow banner